Results for 'Dimitris I. Papadis'

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  1. The concept of truth in Parmenides.Dimitris I. Papadis - 2005 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 23 (1):77-96.
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    Собрание сочинений в четырех томах: Лубянка-Экибастуз ; Созидатели и разрушители.Dimitriæi Mikhaæilovich Panin & I. ëiìa Panina - 2001 - Moskva: OAO Izd-vo "Raduga". Edited by I. I︠A︡ Panina.
    t. 1. Lubi︠a︡nka-Ėkibastuz ; Sozidateli i razrushiteli -- t. 2. Teorii︠a︡ gustot : opyt khristianskoĭ filosofii kont︠s︡a XX veka ; Mekhanika na kvantovom urovne -- t. 3. K teorii gustot ; Postulaty marksizma i zakony prirody ; Pustota bezbozhii︠a︡ ; Politėkonomii︠a︡ na ėnergeticheskoĭ osnove ; Derzhava sozidateleĭ ; K edinenii︠u︡ khristian -- t. 4. Mysli o raznom ; Solzhenit︠s︡yn i deĭstvitelʹnostʹ ; Statʹi v zapadnoĭ presse.
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    Eine emendation zu demokrit fragm.Dimitris Papadis - 1992 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 136 (2):310-313.
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    Aristotle's Theory of Nous. A New Interpretation of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Third Book of Deanima".Dimitris Papadis - 1993 - Philosophical Inquiry 15 (3-4):99-111.
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    Das Problem Des.Dimitris Papadis - 2000 - Philosophical Inquiry 22 (3):39-63.
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    (1 other version)‘I Interact Therefore I Am’: The Self as a Historical Product of Dialectical Attunement.Dimitris Bolis & Leonhard Schilbach - 2018 - Topoi:1-14.
    In this article, moving from being to becoming, we construe the ‘self’ as a dynamic process rather than as a static entity. To this end we draw on dialectics and Bayesian accounts of cognition. The former allows us to holistically consider the ‘self’ as the interplay between internalization and externalization and the latter to operationalize our suggestion formally. Internalization is considered here as the co-construction of bodily hierarchical models of the world and the organism, while externalization is taken as the (...)
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  7. Against Computational Perspectivalism.Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1129-1153.
    Computational perspectivalism has been recently proposed as an alternative to mainstream accounts of physical computation, and especially to the teleologically-based mechanistic view. It takes physical computation to be partly dependent on explanatory perspectives and eschews appeal to teleology in helping individuate computational systems. I assess several varieties of computational perspectivalism, showing that they either collapse into existing non-perspectival views or end up with unsatisfactory or implausible accounts of physical computation. Computational perspectivalism fails, therefore, to be a compelling alternative to perspective-independent (...)
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  8. Functional individuation, mechanistic implementation: the proper way of seeing the mechanistic view of concrete computation.Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2017 - Synthese 195 (8):3477-3497.
    I examine a major objection to the mechanistic view of concrete computation, stemming from an apparent tension between the abstract nature of computational explanation and the tenets of the mechanistic framework: while computational explanation is medium-independent, the mechanistic framework insists on the importance of providing some degree of structural detail about the systems target of the explanation. I show that a common reply to the objection, i.e. that mechanistic explanation of computational systems involves only weak structural constraints, is not enough (...)
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    The Figure of Moses: The Origins of Authority in Spinoza.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2019 - Textual Practice 33 (5):771–85.
    How baroque was Spinoza in his treatment of the prophets? I examine this question by comparing the pictorial treatments of Moses from the Netherlands to Spinoza’s treatment of Moses at the beginning of the Theological Political Treatise. I concentrate on two representations of Moses descending from mount Sinai, one by Ferdinand Bol and the other by Rembrandt. Of particular importance is the idea of hierarchy. I will argue that Spinoza takes an ambiguous position in relation to baroque, on the one (...)
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  10. Representationalism, symmetrical supervenience and identity.Dimitris Platchias - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):31-46.
    According to some representationalists (M. Tye, Ten problems of consciousness, MIT Press, Massachusetts, USA, 1995; W.G. Lycan, Consciousness and experience, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1996; F. Dretske, Naturalising the mind, MIT Press, Massachusetts, USA 1995), qualia are identical to external environmental states or features. When one perceives a red rose for instance, one is visually representing the actual redness of the rose. The represented redness of the rose is the actual redness of the rose itself. Thus redness is not (...)
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  11. Content Pragmatism Defended.Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2017 - Topoi 39 (1):103-113.
    In the literature on the nature and role of cognitive representation, three positions are taken across the conceptual landscape: robust realism, primitivism, and eliminativism. Recently, a fourth alternative that tries to avoid the shortcomings of traditional views has been proposed: content pragmatism. My aim is to defend pragmatism about content against some recent objections moved against the view. According to these objections, content pragmatism fails to capture the role played by representation in the cognitive sciences; and/or is an unstable view (...)
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    The Myth of a Kantian Avicenna.Dimitri Gutas - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (3):833-840.
    In my Oriens article on Avicenna's empiricism, I present what Avicenna calls the principles of syllogism, which are the different types of propositions that form the irreducible and axiomatic starting points of syllogisms and definitions. As Avicenna states both explicitly and implicitly in numerous passages that I cite, these are all based on experience. Two of these are the primary propositions and those with built-in syllogisms, literally, "premises of fiṭra syllogisms," fiṭra being the natural operation of the intellect—thus, "premises whose (...)
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  13. K Hermenevtično-filozofski Zgodovini Duhoslovnih VedTo Hermeneutic-philosophical History Of The Human Sciences.Dimitri Ginev - unknown - Phainomena 53.
    Opraviti imamo s tremi zgodovinskimi stopnjami razvitja razmerja med hermenevtiko in humanistiko. Vprašanje, kako so bile te vede uspešne pri konstruiranju svojih “hermenevtičnih identitet” določa vidik moje obravnave. Članek sestoji iz treh delov. Prvi del razvije koncepcijo predzgodovine humanističnih ved. Poglavitni namen je razgrnitev korenin epistemologije semiotične interpretacije v Meierjevi »hermeneutica generalis«. Drugi del je posvečen Boeckhovemu enciklopedičnemu projektu s poudarkom na vlogi hermenevtike pri “kognitivni institucionalizaciji” humanističnih ved. Tretji del na podlagi vpogleda v Mischevo hermenevtično logiko obravnava kontroverzo med (...)
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  14. The holy spirit as life and energy. The treatment of athanasius'ad serapionem I, 20-21 in the late thirteenth century and its implications for the hesychast controversy (1). [REVIEW]Dimitri Makarov - 2010 - Byzantion 80:197-246.
    Ad Serapionem I, 20 by Athanasius was of paramount importance for theology of Nicephorus Blemmydes, John XI Beccus and Gregory of Cyprus. Blemmydes seems to have produced several changes of words in the passage making Athanasius say of the Spirit as of the Life and Energy of the Son. In such a form Ad Serapionem I, 20 gave Blemmydes an excellent opportunity for substantiating his own doctrine on the Spirit's eternal illumination through the Son. In his teaching no strict demarkation (...)
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  15. Are There Teleological Functions to Compute?Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (3):431-452.
    I analyze a tension at the core of the mechanistic view of computation generated by its joint commitment to the medium independence of computational vehicles and to computational systems possessing teleological functions to compute. While computation is individuated in medium-independent terms, teleology is sensitive to the constitutive physical properties of vehicles. This tension spells trouble for the mechanistic view, suggesting that there can be no teleological functions to compute. I argue that, once considerations about the relevant function-bestowing factors for computational (...)
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    Searching for a (post)foundational approach to philosophy of science: Part I. [REVIEW]Dimitri Ginev - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (1):27-37.
    This paper represents an attempt to articulate the basic principles of a hermeneutic philosophy of science. Throughout, the author is at pains to show that both (i) overcoming epistemological foundationalism and (ii) insisting on the multiplicity, patchiness, and heterogeneity of the discursive practices of scientific research do not imply a farewell to an analysis of the constitution of science's autonomous cognitive structure. Such an analysis operates in two directions: “continuous weakening” of epistemological foundationalism and “hermeneutic grounding” of a cognitive structure. (...)
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    Natural Liberation in the Sāṃkhyakārikā and Its Commentaries.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):863-892.
    The subject of this article is the concept of natural liberation in classical Sāṃkhya. On the basis of the Sāṃkhyakārikā by Īśvarakṛṣṇa and its traditional commentaries, I will attempt to demonstrate that liberation from suffering in Sāṃkhya is not the result of rational inquiry—the prevailing view among contemporary scholars. The Sāṃkhya does not necessarily prescribe yogic practice as argued by other scholars. Instead, I will defend a position expressed by K.C. Bhattacharyya and Frank R. Podgorski, according to which liberation in (...)
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  18. Autoimmunities: Derrida, Democracy and Political Theology.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (1):29-56.
    I argue that a distinction between three autoimmunities is implied in Derrida’s _Rogues_. These are the autoimmunities of democracy as a regime of power, of democracy to come and of sovereignty. I extrapolate the relations between three different autoimmunities using the figure of the internal enemy in order to argue for an agonistic conception of democracy.
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    'Clumsy questioners' Questioning and the Meaning of Meaning in Collingwood.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2005 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 11 (1):39-59.
    Those of Collingwood's interpreters who insist that the science of being was abandoned in the later writings, tend to display also a marked dissatisfaction with the logic of question and answer, at least as it is presented in the Essay on Metaphysics. The most influential statement of this interpretation is undoubtedly Rex Martin's. It was initially published as an article in 1989 and was later institutionalized through its incorporation in his 'Editor's Introduction' to the Oxford University Press revised edition of (...)
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  20. Sartre, Kant, and the spontaneity of mind.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):413-431.
    I argue that Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego draws on Kant's theory of spontaneity to articulate its metaphysical account of consciousness's mode of being, to defend its phenomenological description of the intentional structure of self‐consciousness, and to diagnose the errors that motivate views of consciousness qua person or substance. In addition to highlighting an overlooked dimension of Sartre's early relation to Kant, this interpretation offers a fresh account of how Sartre's argument for the primacy of pre‐personal consciousness works, and brings (...)
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  21. Autism: the micro-movement perspective.Elizabeth B. Torres, Maria Brincker, Robert W. Isenhower, Polina Yanovich, Kimberly Stigler, John I. Nurnberger, Dimitri N. Metaxas & Jorge V. Jose - 2013 - Frontiers Integrated Neuroscience 7 (32).
    The current assessment of behaviors in the inventories to diagnose autism spectrum disorders (ASD) focus on observation and discrete categorizations. Behaviors require movements, yet measurements of physical movements are seldom included. Their inclusion however, could provide an objective characterization of behavior to help unveil interactions between the peripheral and the central nervous systems. Such interactions are critical for the development and maintenance of spontaneous autonomy, self-regulation and voluntary control. At present, current approaches cannot deal with the heterogeneous, dynamic and stochastic (...)
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  22. The Systematic Import of Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Literature.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (1):1-17.
    Scholarly discussions of Merleau-Ponty’s aesthetics tend to focus on his philosophy of painting. By contrast, comparatively little attention has been paid to his philosophy of literature. However, he also draws significant conclusions from his work on literary expression. As I will argue, these reflections inform at least two important positions of his later thought. First, Merleau-Ponty’s account of “indirect” literary language led him to develop a hybrid view of phenomenological expression, on which expression is both creative and descriptive. Second, a (...)
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    The Freedom to Lie.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (2):141-162.
    This article examines the connection between lying and the concept of freedom, especially in the wake of the social contract tradition. I show that the liar poses a particular threat to the social contract. As a result, lying has been portrayed as a pernicious threat to the political. This culminates in Kant’s outright rejection of lying under any circumstance. From the Kantian perspective, one can be free only if one does not lie. Conversely, Spinoza’s co-implication of virtue and power entails (...)
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    Stasis: Notes Toward Agonist Democracy.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2017 - Theory and Event 20 (3):699-725.
    The difficulty with democracy is always how to define the demos—the people. Can we think of democracy in a different way? My starting point is to ask what it would mean to take kratos (power) rather than demos as the starting point of the thinking of democracy. I will argue that this is consistent with Solon’s first democratic constitution and that it leads to a thinking of democracy in terms of agonism. Maybe such a conception of agonistic democracy will allow (...)
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  25. Cognitive Existentialism and Phenomenology of Theoretical Objects of Science.Dimitri Ginev - 2007 - Phainomena 60.
    In my presentation, I will try to develop a picture of scientific research in terms of heremeneutic phenomenology. I will claim that theoretical objects of science do exist at once as "inscriptions" on the horizon of possibilities for doing research, and as "traces" left by practices of formalization, experimentation, calibration, measurement, and calculation. The possibilities become appropriated in the research process, whereby a conceptual structure of scientific domain gradually takes shape. According to this, the horizon of possibilities remains always an (...)
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    The Hermeneutical Critique of Linguistic Transcendentalism: Intersubjective Validity of Argumentation or Hermeneutics of the Dialogue that we are.Dimitri Ginev - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 58 (1):1-18.
    This article addresses the ongoing debate between transcendental pragmatics and philosophical hermeneutics. I argue that Apel's version of linguistic transcendentalism is to be refuted, if one succeeds in demonstrating that the normative conditions of intersubjective validity of the argumentative discourse are `derivable' from the fore-structure of the discursive-practical medium of communication. Loci for specifically hermeneutical investigations of this fore-structure include the proto-normativity of the discursive practices, the effective-historical openness of the medium of communication, and the interplay between argumentative discourse and (...)
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  27. Total imagination and ontology in R. G. Collingwood.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):303 – 322.
    In The Principles of Art, R. G. Collingwood pursues, on the one hand, a ‘definition’ of art, and, on the other, a ‘metaphysics’. The Principles is divided into three Books. Book I is devoted mostly to craft, while Book II pertains largely to metaphysics. The fact that Book II is twice the size of Book III, where the discussion of ‘art proper’ takes place, is proof enough that the metaphysical part of the Principles is not a mere excursus. Collingwood’s ontology (...)
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  28. On the possibility of Kantian retributivism.Dimitri Landa - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (3):276-296.
    One of the most potent motivations for retributivist approaches to punishment has been their apparent connection to an ethical background shaped by the Kantian notion of morally autonomous and rational human agency. The present article challenges the plausibility of this connection. I argue that retributivism subverts, rather than embodies, the normative consequences of moral autonomy, justifying a social practice that conflicts with the considered judgments that the proper recognition of moral autonomy would authorize. The core of my case is the (...)
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    "Consciousness Is the Property of Dialectic": What Hegel Taught Merleau-Ponty about Intentionality.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (4):673-701.
    abstract: I argue that Merleau-Ponty's reading of Hegel's account of experience exerts a significant and hitherto overlooked influence on his attempt to recast Phénoménologie de la perception 's account of intentionality. This reading informs two important claims of his later projects: that intentional relations are more fundamental than their relata, and that a metaphysical condition irreducible to consciousness or object constitutes the structure of intentionality. I argue that these positions inform key tenets of reversibility, and that a revisionary interpretation of (...)
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  30. The veil of perception and contextual relativism.Dimitris Platchias - 2004 - Sorites 15 (December):76-86.
    In this paper I point out main shortfalls of the three main families of theories of perception and I propose a sort of inferential realism. In addition, I argue that there cannot be a scientific variant of direct realism and illustrate this point with reference to P.F.Strawson's attempt to reconcile, not naïve realism and the scientific variant as he amounts to, but rather, direct and indirect realism. I draw the distinction between four cases of illusion, and I refer to one (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty, Hegel, and the Task of Phenomenological Explanation.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (1):27-52.
    This paper provides an analysis of Merleau-Ponty’s view of philosophical explanation. Some commentators stress his indebtedness to the transcendental tradition, but this influence does not extend to his view of explanation. I argue that Merleau-Ponty gives up on the transcendental ideal of explanatory completeness, shared by Husserl and Kant. Motivated by a distinctive understanding of transcendental expression, he argues that phenomenological reflection, and the explanations that issue from it, must both have a circular structure if they are to provide a (...)
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  32. Univalent foundations as structuralist foundations.Dimitris Tsementzis - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3583-3617.
    The Univalent Foundations of Mathematics provide not only an entirely non-Cantorian conception of the basic objects of mathematics but also a novel account of how foundations ought to relate to mathematical practice. In this paper, I intend to answer the question: In what way is UF a new foundation of mathematics? I will begin by connecting UF to a pragmatist reading of the structuralist thesis in the philosophy of mathematics, which I will use to define a criterion that a formal (...)
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    What is a Higher Level Set?Dimitris Tsementzis - 2016 - Philosophia Mathematica:nkw032.
    Structuralist foundations of mathematics aim for an ‘invariant’ conception of mathematics. But what should be their basic objects? Two leading answers emerge: higher groupoids or higher categories. I argue in favor of the former over the latter. First, I explain why to choose between them we need to ask the question of what is the correct ‘categorified’ version of a set. Second, I argue in favor of groupoids over categories as ‘categorified’ sets by introducing a pre-formal understanding of groupoids as (...)
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  34. How could Vygotsky inform an approach to scientific representations?Dimitris Kilakos - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):140-152.
    In the quest for a new social turn in philosophy of science, exploring the prospects of a Vygotskian perspective could be of significant interest, especially due to his emphasis on the role of culture and socialisation in the development of cognitive functions. However, a philosophical reassessment of Vygotsky's ideas in general has yet to be done. As a step towards this direction, I attempt to elaborate an approach on scientific representations by drawing inspirations from Vygotsky. Specifically, I work upon Vygotsky’s (...)
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    Georg Mischs Umformulierung des Begriffs der transzendentalen Logik.Dimitri Ginev - 2008 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 50:187-201.
    In this paper I try to establish three claims. First, I try to identify the distance from Dilthey's psychologism taken by Georg Misch in his hermeneutic reformulation of the philosophy of life. Secondly, I try to argue that the outcome of Misch's criticism of transcendental and hermeneutic phenomenology is the integration of a certain paradigm of constitutional analysis in the philosophy of life. Finally, I try to show that Misch's project for a hermeneutic logic is quite relevant to the process (...)
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  36. From Parmenidean Identity to Beyond Classical Idealism and Epistemic Constructivism.Dimitris Kilakos - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 48 (2):75-86.
    Rockmore’s paper offers a nice discussion on how classical German idealism provides a plausible account of the Parmenidean insight that thought and being are identical and suggests that idealist epistemic constructivism is arguably the most promising approach to cognition. In this short commentary, I will explore the implications of adopting other interpretations of Parmenidean identity thesis, which arguably lead to different conclusions than the ones drawn by Rockmore. En route to disavow the distinction between ontology and epistemology, I argue that (...)
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  37. Gadamer and Levinas on Concepts of Culture.Dimitry Mentuz - 2017 - In Social Sciences in Modern World. vol. 2 (2). Moscow, Russia: Internauka. pp. 88-97.
    In this work, I have compared the views of Hans Georg Gadamer and Emmanuel Levinas on various concepts of culture and understanding of the ‘man’ within the framework of Western civilization with the help of three of their essays. In two lectures of Gadamer—‘Culture and Peace’, delivered at Salzburg in 1980, and ‘Man and His Hand in Modern Civilization’, delivered in Munich in 1978—and several essays by Emmanuel Levinas such as ‘The Philosophical Determination of the Idea of Culture’ (1983). If (...)
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  38. Freedom as Overcoming the Fear of Death: Epicureanism in the Subtitle of Spinoza’s Theological Political Treatise.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2020 - Parrhesia 32:33-60.
    It is often put forward that the entire political project of epicureanism consists in the overcoming of fear, whereby its scope is deemed to be very narrow. I argue that the overcoming of the fear of death should actually be linked to a conception of freedom in epicureanism. This idea is further developed by Spinoza, who defines the free man as one who thinks of death least of all in the Ethics, and who develops this idea more in the Theological (...)
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  39. Intentionality, Constitution and Merleau‐Ponty's Concept of ‘The Flesh’.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):677-699.
    Since Husserl, the task of developing an account of intentionality and constitution has been central to the phenomenological enterprise. Some of Merleau-Ponty's descriptions of ‘the flesh’ suggest that he gives up on this task, or, more strongly, that the flesh is in principle incompatible with intentionality or constitution. I show that these remarks, as in Merleau-Ponty's earlier writings, refer to the classical, early Husserlian interpretations of these concepts, and argue that the concept of the flesh can plausibly be understood to (...)
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    The Three Apples.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (4):913-918.
    From the fall of the Berlin Wall to 9/11, agonistic democracy promised to navigate away from both liberalism and dialectical materialism. How can we renew that discourse to highlight its significance in the times of COVID-19? I answer this question by looking at three articulations of the apple metaphor.
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    H. CONDYLIS-BASSOUKOS, Stéphanitès kai Ichnélatès, traduction grecque (XI e siècle) du livre Kalīla wa-Dimna d'Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ (VIII e siècle). Étude lexicologique et littéraire.Dimitri Gutas - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (1):155-157.
    Graeco-Arabic studies, or the study of the translations of classical Greek works into Arabic during the early ‘Abbāsid caliphate of the Arabs (ca. 750–1000), is a field that is well known; it has been cultivated, with significant results for the study of medieval Islamic civilization, for more than a century and a half now. What is less well known is the opposite trend of translations from Arabic into (Byzantine) Greek, which began after the Photian renaissance — as a direct result, (...)
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    What fuses sports fans?Dimitris Xygalatas - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
    Extreme self-sacrifice in the context of phenomena, such as sports hooliganism, combines aspects of local and extended fusion. How can we best account for such phenomena in the light of the theory presented here, and how can we make a tangible distinction between the two types? I propose ways to explore and operationalize this distinction and the concept of fusion more generally.
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  43. The «Alexandria to Baghdad» Complex of Narratives. A Contribution to the Study of Philosophical and Medical Historiography Among the Arabs.Dimitri Gutas & H. H. Biesterfeldt - 1999 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 10:155-193.
    L'A. mette in parallelo quattro fonti interrelate della tradizione narrativa relativa al passaggio delle conoscenze filosofiche e mediche da Alessandria a Baghdad. I testi esaminati, presentati in traduzione inglese, sono di Alfarabi , dello storico al-Masudi , del medico ibn-Ridwan del Cairo e del medico ibn-Gumay . Le origini della tradizione testuale sono individuate in un canone di insegnamenti ippocratici e galenici originatosi ad Alessandria poco prima della conquista araba, e comprendente i cosiddetti Summaria alexandrinorum. L'A. si sofferma inoltre sulla (...)
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  44. Spinoza’s Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics.Dimitris Vardoulakis & Kiarina Kordela (eds.) - 2018
    Spinoza's political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. As a response to difficult times, students and scholars have returned to this founding figure of modern philosophy as a means to help reinterpret and rethink the political present. Spinoza's Authority Volume I: Resistance and Power in Ethics makes a significant contribution to this ongoing reception and utilization of Spinoza's political thought by focusing on his Ethics. By taking the concept of authority as an original (...)
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    La division et l'unité du politique de Platon.Dimitri El Murr - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:295-324.
    Le Politique est généralement conçu comme un dialogue décousu et manquant d'unité, au mieux comme une succession de méthodes et de voies de recherche différentes (division dichotomique, mythe, paradigme) visant chacune à définir le politique. Le présent article vise au contraire à montrer que l'unité du dialogue est coextensive au développement d'une unique diaíresis, et ce en soulignant, à partir de ce que le texte dit lui-même, que le mythe, la méthode par paradigme et l'analyse des constitutions existantes ne sont (...)
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    Ideality, Symbolic Mediation and Scientific Cognition: The Tool-Like Function of Scientific Representations.Dimitris Kilakos - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. pp. 205-218.
    In this paper, I attempt to sketch a dialectical approach on scientific representations and their role in scientific cognition. In my understanding, scientific representations can be construed as ‘tools’ mediating scientific cognition. These ‘tools’ are products of our cognitive activity, by which we signify which features of certain objects or states of affairs should be embodied in abstractive representations of them. In such a context, I explore the merits of bringing some ideas of thinkers whose work is underestimated in the (...)
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  47. Deflationary realism: Representation and idealisation in cognitive science.Dimitri Coelho Mollo - 2021 - Mind and Language 37 (5):1048-1066.
    Debate on the nature of representation in cognitive systems tends to oscillate between robustly realist views and various anti‐realist options. I defend an alternative view, deflationary realism, which sees cognitive representation as an offshoot of the extended application to cognitive systems of an explanatory model whose primary domain is public representation use. This extended application, justified by a common explanatory target, embodies idealisations, partial mismatches between model and reality. By seeing representation as part of an idealised model, deflationary realism avoids (...)
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  48. Nature, Consciousness, and Metaphysics in Merleau-Ponty’s Early Thought.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9:1160-1198.
    La structure du comportement details consciousness-nature relations by navigating between realist and intellectualist alternatives. A phenomenological reading of form guides its attempt to formulate a view that does not reduce consciousness to matter or perceptual structure to a product of mind. I show that this strategy relies on hitherto overlooked idealist commitments. Forms are perceived objects whose intentional structure is intelligibly organized. Having denied that forms are constituted by mind or emergent from matter, Merleau-Ponty likens form-constitution to an ideal process (...)
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    (1 other version)On the hermeneutic alternative to normative naturalism.Dimitri Ginev - 1999 - Theoria 14 (2):291-301.
    What I hope to do in this paper is to see whether Laudan’s normative naturalism may suggest a third alternative to normativism-naturalism dilemma in the analytical philosophy of science. In criticizing the view that all methodological rules are to be specified in the form of hypothetical imperatives, I offer the idea that a theory of scientific rationality (including its normative dimension) must go beyond the usual analytical format of “rational reconstruction”. It is precisely this idea that opens the door for (...)
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  50. On the motivations for Merleau-Ponty’s ontological research.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2):348-370.
    This paper attempts to clarify Merleau-Ponty’s later work by tracing a hitherto overlooked set of concerns that were of key consequence for the formulation of his ontological research. I argue that his ontology can be understood as a response to a set of problems originating in reflections on the intersubjective use of language in dialogue, undertaken in the early 1950s. His study of dialogue disclosed a structure of meaning-formation and pointed towards a theory of truth (both recurring ontological topics) that (...)
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